Why book proofreading is important
If there’s one thing that makes a book stand out for all the wrong reasons, it’s poor editing. A badly-edited book, or one which has not been professionally copyedited or proofread, will have its appeal significantly compromised.
Picture the situation… you’ve spent more than a year writing your book and another month checking it. Finally, you’re ready to go to print. A couple of weeks later you’re standing in your kitchen, holding your first printed copy in your hands.
Slowly, you open the cover – and there it is. In the very first sentence, just three words into the book, there’s an obvious spelling mistake!
Think of it as a ‘text polish’
All traditionally-published books are proofread and copyedited, no matter how talented, successful, or high profile the author.
You should make sure that your book is as good as it can be. By having your book proofread and if necessary, lightly-copyedited, you will have the peace of mind and confidence you need. Think of it as a final polish for your text.
Contact us now to discuss your editorial needs and find out about our editing services.