Converting your book to an eBook

Why you need eBook conversion

Publishing your own eBook means you’ll have unparalleled market reach. Our eBook formatting service will convert your manuscript into the two main eBook file formats, Mobi and ePub, ready for you to upload to Kindle (Amazon) and/or i-Book (Apple) respectively.

eBook reading devices

‘eReaders’ are not a new phenomenon. Many companies introduced eBook reading devices in the 1990s and early 2000s. However, customers generally felt these eReaders were too expensive and had too many technological limitations.

Then, the game-changer: Amazon introduced the Kindle in the US in 2007, and in Europe and other international markets in 2009. As the first eReader model with an integrated mobile access link to a major online store, the Kindle generated a great deal of amount of market attention.

Kindle users do not have to sign a mobile contract or incur additional connection costs to access the Kindle Store, where eBooks can be purchased, mostly at a discount compared with printed books.

The UK eBook market

UK publishing companies report strongest eBook growth in crime fiction, science fiction, historical fiction, romantic fiction and erotic fiction (‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ was originally a self published eBook).

Chick-lit, literary fiction, (including poetry) and non-fiction (including biographies, memoirs and military) are also growing.

Contact us to hear about our eBook formatting and conversion services.